So this is how it all started...

Origin Story

In February 2023, an idea hit Malena like a ton of bricks – to should start a Christian tshirt line. Her first thought was, “that’s ridiculous, there are so many Christian t-shirt lines out there”. And before Malena could talk herself out of it, she felt in her heart an answer to her protest. It was a simple, “so what?”. She walked around for 2 days continually thinking about what God had put on my her heart. It seemed too big, too intimidating, yet too simple at the same time. She didn’t say a peep to anyone. Then Monday morning Malena went to work with Wendy. Almost as soon as they sat down, Wendy said, “why are we not making Christian t-shirts?” They knew right then and there that this wasn’t just a silly idea. This was God-ordained and He didn’t want them to do this alone! Malena went home and told her husband and he said he had the same thought – that was all the confirmation we they needed to start Revival Collective Co.
And so Revival Collective Co. was born. Comfy Christian tees to help you be bold, wear your faith and share the love of Jesus with the world!

A little note from

Wendy & Malena

The idea of Christian t-shirts is nothing new or groundbreaking or novel. Neither are our designs. They’re super simple. One of those, “I could make this” kind of simple ideas.

But you didn’t.

And you don't have to (unless God puts that on your heart too!). Like us, our designs are nothing special, but we are being obedient to the Lord’s will. And in the crazy world we live in, it can’t hurt to pour and proclaim a little more Jesus where ever we go!

So why “Revival”? Our world is lost and broken. We are done sitting around and watching as the enemy has his way with the world. We are claiming REVIVAL in our town, our state, our nation. We are declaring REVIVAL in our hearts, our minds, our souls. We are hoping to REVIVE the weary, encourage the discouraged and break bondage starting in our very own little Texas town.

If seeing our shirts makes even one person dig deeper in their faith, or start asking questions, or come to Jesus – all our efforts will have been worth it. If all we are is obedient to God, well… we’re okay with that. Nothing remarkable, but that’s who we are. What is remarkable is that the God who created the universe loves us and He loves you.

May God bless y'all!

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